Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 31

Here's a photo that sort of turns my stomach.

My poor puppy dog is diabetic, and I'm overcoming what to me is a perfectly rational case of needle phobia. That means that, twice a day, Pogo gets seven units of insulin at mealtimes. Boyfriend is awesome about giving the injections, but sometimes he's just not home when the injections are due, and it falls to me to give them.

Five months ago, I fainted when I saw a needle. Then Pogo started needing shots, and I had to work to overcome that perfectly rational reaction. Just trying to talk about it made me stammer. With time, patience, and necessity, I managed to reduce my reaction from fainting (not helpful) to throwing up, and then to nausea and only occasional lightheadedness.

That I can keep the presence of mind to actually take a photograph of myself handling a needle is nothing short of remarkable. I don't believe I'll ever really get used to giving shots, but I'm able to do it when I have to. And I'm pretty proud of that.

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