Sunday, May 3, 2009

May 03

My ass hurts.

What that statement lacks in eloquence it makes up for in brevity. Anna convinced Brandon and me that going to a skating rink would be a fun and entertaining way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I was dreadful in not replying to her e-mail right away, but with all the crap going on at the end of last week, combined with planning my possibly to-be-cancelled trip to Illinois, I really didn't know if I was going to be up for it.

Obviously, I thought I was. And I was ... sort of. My greatest accomplishment of the evening was playing skee-ball while on rollerblades. And I really have to commend the builders of Roller World in Saugus for their excellent roller rink floor, which survived many impacts. I'm going to omit the litany of aches and pains my poor abused body feels, and go back to those magical three words that say it all: "My ass hurts."

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