Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 23

I've been meaning to take my Yashica 635 twin-lens reflex camera out and run a test roll through it all summer. Unfortunately, life and other circumstances have prevented me from doing it.

Ever since I've returned home from my vacation, I've had a serious lack of photographic motivation. With any normal person, this wouldn't be a big deal. However, as anybody who knows me will admit, I'm anything but normal. Besides, I have this project, taking a photo every day, and I take it kind of seriously.

I thought I'd take the Yashica out yesterday and run a test roll through it, and hoped that in scouting around for test subjects, I might be inspired to get some other photos as well. No such luck. The same thing happened today, with the exception that I didn't have anything else to photograph.

So there it sits, on my desk, staring at me with its matching lenses -- a steel-and-chrome vintage symbol of my current lack of motivation.

Hopefully, this too shall pass.

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