I made deviled eggs again today, and this time I was completely unsupervised. One dozen eggs, two dozen deviled eggs, sixteen of which went onto the egg plate purchased for the occasion (Boyfriend and I were going to a potluck party). The other eight "deformed" eggs went on a separate plate to be devoured at our leisure.
Speaking of deformed eggs, I have no idea how Boyfriend can hard boil six eggs and have them all come out perfect. When I boil eggs the yolks are anywhere from the narrow end of the egg to practically coming out the side. Is there some trick to it? I mean, really?
But I digress. The eggs tasted OK, except for having used more mustard than I should have. That was my fault entirely; I scaled up the amount I put in the last batch without bothering to taste it, but with the salt added this time, the mustard was a bit overwhelming. Adding a little butter to the mix only added to the creaminess of the filling, though my arteries are probably hardening as I type.
Still, they were good eggs. Really good eggs.