Monday, June 1, 2009

June 01

There is a no-tipping policy in place at the high-end luxury apartment building where I work. "It's all part of the service," is what we're supposed to say when refusing gratuities from grateful residents.

Many of our residents, however, will not be deterred so easily. Ennio and I are often the recipients of gifts of food -- everything from dinner to snacks to sweets -- that our residents bring us to show us their appreciation for our hard work. Today, over the course of about ten minutes, one resident brought us fudge and macaroons from Ocean City, NJ, while another brought us an Edible Arrangements selection of chocolate-covered strawberries (pictured, with an appreciative Ennio).

As I've said before and likely will say again, the residents may offer us the occasional tip out of a feeling of obligation. When they feed you, though, you know they like you.

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